FREE Patreon Blog

I hope everyone had a wonderful Holiday! 2016 has been a very eventful year for me. I have even bigger plans this year. If you would like to see some of the current projects I am working on or costume announcements for 2017. Please consider joining my FREE Patreon page! I am not charging for my Patreon. You can set-up your page to charge Patrons monthly or charge per creation. I have mine set to charge per creation. This has the option to make post free or charge. I make all my post free. Of course I will be posting all the same photos on all my other social media pages. I still will offer other things on my Patreon that are not on my other pages. If you don't want to miss any post it's a great place to be.

I post video-blogs to my Patreon. Which will be about any costumes and props I am working on. I do not list these videos anywhere else.

I will also be posting most progress photos and new costume announcements on Patreon. It's a great way to stay connecting to everything I am doing! I find that most my Facebook followers are more interested in the final product of my work. I know some of you would like to see more of the process. So I decided to keep most progress photos on my Patreon.

I currently do not sell prints anywhere online. Through my Patreon I will allow direct transactions through my paypal. If you see any photos you would like to purchase just ask. I also allow messages on my Patreon. I had to turn off messages on my Facebook because of all the spam. I think Patreon is a great place to connect with people that want to see more. :)
Why did I change my Patreon from charging to FREE?
Patreon was helping me a lot with getting some extra money a month. While it wasn't a lot it still met so much to me that anyone would ever want to pay me monthly for a hobby. From getting the extra help my Etsy shop got very busy and it was harder to post regularly. I owe a big thanks to all my supporters for helping me get there. THANK YOU! Seriously it means so much!
I also was originally planning to stop using Patreon. As I found I was busy on and off. While I could not charge people for a month here and there it seemed inconsistent and not fair to people. I ended up changing my mind because I love the interactions with people! I think it is a great place to share some extra stuff going on. Often times people do not see my feed on Facebook. This is a great way to see everything I am doing and more!
So many wonderful people that were supporting me couldn't over time. I love that they were so invested in me. I didn't want to turn them away because of money.. I really wanted people that wanted to see what I am doing to see it. If there is one thing I learned in life it's to invest in people that invest in you. I think it's great that people are getting support from Pateron. I myself supporting some people on Patreon and did not want to stop. I am in no way against charging. This is just what worked for me personally. <3