Creating Chainmaille
Busy working on some new crafts I would like to use for Next year! First up is chainmalle. I am finding it rather enjoyable! It is not as complicated as I originally thought it may be. I am finding that the different patterns I am doing allows me to go back and correct any errors. Which is not so much the case for knitting or similar crafts.

I wasn't originally planning on creating any chainmalle. As I was working on my new Daenerys costume I have noticed that the strap of her dress as well as her arm bands are metal. I was unable to find anything like her straps. I could have use fabrics or other materials to make it look like her straps. I liked the idea of have the metal material blended with the soft elegant dress.
At a closer look you can see the the straps are metal. I decided to look through many chainmaille designs but I was un-able to find anything comparable. I went ahead and picked a design I thought picked the character and went with the overall design of the dress.
I completed the second layering for the strap. I just need to add one more ring down the middle of the design to complete it. I am thinking of doing a secondary color which is why I have not completed it yet. The bands around her arm are wider. I am still using the same design just try to make wider. When it complete I will decide it the want to keep the arm bands this way or not? You can see the first layer and where I have begun to add the second layering.
A short video showing me adding on the second layer. While creating all the chainmaille I have successfully watched "Stranger Things" all in one night. I also was working on another small chainmaille project for an up and coming costume!