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/Mad Moxxi

Mad Moxxi

Mad Moxxi

Mad Moxxi

Mad Moxxi

Mad Moxxi

Mad Moxxi
About Costume:
This costume was very detail orientated and I really pushed out of my comfort zone for this one. I created this to compete with so I created everything from scratch. The scariest part of the costume was probably putting paint all over it! Yes! I even painted my underwear. It took a lot of time because most of it was all hand-painted. I have done this in the past on my Samurai Girls costume. This was the first costume I have ever air-brushed.
All the patterns were drafted by mean. I created the hat base from cardboard as well as the holster and then covered with with fabric. I used craft foam in the insides of my collar and cuffs to keep the shape. I also added in wire in the back coat-tails for have a better shape as well.
The belt buckle was created from styrene (plastic). The belt was vinyl and the sash was fabric.
The megaphone was created from a variety of found objects which include lampshade, plumbing parts, LED wiring, tape gun handle and other parts.
The boot covers were a spandex fabric that I just pulled over my shoes. I added on the blood-plaster to get the Mad Moxxi look!
This was the second wig. The first one didn’t photograph as well as I would have liked so I got a second one. I added in wefts of different tones to get the Borderlands effect. Aside from the wig but make-up was a challenge for me. It’s not really my strength, but it really pushed me to learn new things.
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